Supplier Audits

Supplier Audits

UFSG helps food manufacturers, retailers, food service companies and importers conduct supplier audits and evaluations to verify the effectiveness of the supplier’s food safety management systems. We work alongside our customers to ensure the food meets applicable regulatory requirements and is safe for Canadians.

1. Supplier Management Services

We provide our customers with added personnel and expertise to manage the food safety and quality of their supply chain. We assist with supplier selection, evaluation, approval, and monitoring, and conduct supplier audits and inspections to support supplier approval and ongoing monitoring to ensure the supplier compliance.

2. Foreign Supplier Selection for Importers

If you are importing food into Canada, you will have to make sure the imported food is safe and has been manufactured, prepared, stored, packaged or labelled in a manner and under conditions that provide at least the same level of protection as that provided by the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR)

We help Canadian importers select, evaluate and approve foreign suppliers to ensure the imported food is safe and meets the appropriate SFCR requirements.

3. Foreign Supplier (Exporter) Food Safety Program Assessment

If you are exporting food to Canada, you have to demonstrate that you have a food safety system in place that is consistent with the requirements of the SFCR, including information to demonstrate that food you export has been manufactured under a sanitary condition as defined under the preventive controls of the SFCR.

We can help conduct assessment on foreign supplier food safety programs to determine whether the Canadian requirements are met before the food is exported to Canada.

For additional information or to request a service, please contact us